How Vitamins Contribute to Profitable and Sustainable Farming

Vitamins are key to animals’ health and performance, but knowing how to supplement is key. Understanding which vitamins to offer, and at which doses, can support productivity and profitability in animal operations.

In addition to supporting health and performance, the right vitamin levels can contribute to more sustainable agriculture. We at dsm-firmenich believe that the feed industry has a critical role in shaping a better world, and are guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

By giving every animal the right level of vitamins, we can support these four dsm-firmenich Sustainability Platforms, drawn from the SDGs:

Besides developing a complete line of high-quality vitamins, dsm-firmenich’s research and development has enabled us to establish our Vitamin Supplementation Guidelines – OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition®. Created in partnership with leading scientists, universities, genetics companies, independent research institutes and farmers, OVN is a tool that helps producers determine the right vitamin levels for optimum performance in their animals.

Vitamin Academy Webinar Program 2023

February 21st

Vitamin Academy: more than 100 years of vitamin

science and expertise sharing

April 19th

Commercial vitamin product forms: a key aspect for an

efficient vitamin nutrition

June 27th

Vitamin A: essential for vision, reproduction, immunity

and growth

September 5th

Bone health and beyond - ensuring optimal dietary

levels of vitamin D3

November 8th

How vitamins can improve poultry bone health and

eggshell quality

Why Vitamins?

Vitamins are essential for optimizing animal health and welfare, animal performance and food quality

  • Vitamins are irreplaceable micro-ingredients in the diet of both humans and animals, and are required for the metabolism of other nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and fat. They are key elements in the organism's vital functions: maintenance, growth, health and reproduction.
  • The daily requirement for each vitamin is very small (grams or micrograms per ton of feed), which differs from macronutrients.
  • Today, the right use of vitamins is even more important due to current trends that put more pressure on meeting nutritional needs:
    • Genetic improvements of animal breeds to achieve better productivity with a more efficient use of feed.
    • Reducing or replacing the use of antibiotics in feed with the need to optimize immune response, gut health, stress prevention, liver protection, etc.
    • Producing quality food for consumers with the right nutrient levels as well as reducing food waste while improving animal welfare standards.

What is the Vitamin Academy?

The Vitamin Academy is a new platform for those in the feed industry to explore the benefits of vitamins and how to use them. Through classes, webinars, videos and other exclusive content, global experts will share the latest research as well as on-the-ground experience.

What are the benefits to joining the Vitamin Academy?

Vitamin Academy members will get up-to-date information on vitamin research, as well as tips on practical applications, product knowledge and vitamin market insights. Additionally, we’ll share information on how vitamins can be part of the solution to more sustainable farming.

Keep checking in with the Vitamin Academy as we continue to add content from our scientists, customers and partners.

Past Vitamin Academy Webinars


Webinar: How vitamins can improve poultry bone health and eggshell quality

Speakers: Elisa Folegatti & Douglas R. Korver

Poultry are highly efficient animals with a low feed intake and high production potential that require precise handling, effective nutrition, and optimal housing conditions.

Improving bone health and egg-shell quality are probably some of the most relevant aspects to grow healthy and highly performance birds which will produce quality eggs and nutritious meat, even more efficiently than today.

  • Review nutrients and mode of action to better understand how bone and eggshell health can be improved
  • Check recent scientific data in layers, breeders and broilers testing some solutions.

Webinar: Bone health and beyond – ensuring optimal dietary levels of vitamin D3

Speakers: Jose-Maria Hernandez & Gilberto Litta

You may be aware that vitamin D is a key nutrient for the health of our farm animals (and humans!) but do you know why? Besides being a critical factor in the formation and maintenance of the bone tissue, vitamin D plays important roles in many other physiological aspects like immunity, muscle development and reproduction.

This webinar will help you better understand the best way of using this super-vitamin in animal nutrition for a more sustainable farming.


Webinar: Vitamin A - essential for vision, reproduction, immunity, and growth

Speakers: Jose-Maria Hernandez & Gilberto Litta

You may be aware that vitamin A is a key nutrient for the health of our farm animals (and humans!) but do you know why? And did you know that of all vitamins, vitamin A may well be one of the most challenging to produce and properly use in premix and feed?

This webinar will help you better understand the best way of using this super-vitamin in animal nutrition for a more sustainable farming.


Webinar: Commercial vitamin product forms - a key aspect for an efficient vitamin nutrition

Speakers: Ivan Gaytan-Perez & Pelin Kurk

During this webinar recording, dsm-firmenich vitamin product forms will be introduced by giving the overview of formulation technologies. dsm-firmenich product forms fulfil several functions when high quality ingredients and superior formulation technologies applied. Important properties of product forms such as handling, mixability, stability and bioavailability will be further explained, and relevant data will be presented.

Webinar: Vitamin Academy: more than 100 years of vitamin science and expertise sharing

Speakers: Jose-Maria Hernandez & Gilberto Litta

dsm-firmenich Vitamin Academy is a “one stop shop” platform where you will get regularly new information from global experts on how vitamins can make your feed business more profitable and sustainable.


Webinar: Are fish and shrimp receiving the right level of vitamins?

Speakers Session 1: Fabio Cervellione & Thomas Wilson

As the industry and science progress, dsm-firmenich launches the new Vitamin Supplementation Guidelines for the Aquaculture industry


Webinar: Are ruminants receiving the right level of vitamins?

Speakers: Mark Engstrom and Bill Weiss

As the industry and science progress, dsm-firmenich launches the new Vitamin Supplementation Guidelines for the ruminants industry


Webinar: Are broilers receiving the right level of vitamins?

Speaker: Edgar Orlando Oviedo Rondon

As the industry and science progress, dsm-firmenich launches the new Vitamin Supplementation Guidelines for the poultry industry


Webinar: Are layers receiving the right level of vitamins?

Speaker: Dr. Sergio Fernandez

As the industry and science progress, dsm-firmenich launches the new Vitamin Supplementation Guidelines for the poultry industry


Webinar: Are swine receiving the right level of vitamins?

Speakers: Danyel Bueno Dalto and Adsos Passos

As the industry and science progress, dsm-firmenich launches the new Vitamin Supplementation Guidelines for the swine industry

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