Blue light protection SPF 30 mineral sunscreen formulation
This SPF 30 sun protection cream with mineral UV-filters only to ensure blue light protection and optimized sensory.
PARSOL® TX (INCI: Titanium Dioxide, Silica, Dimethicone) is an inorganic UVB filter providing a very good SPF performance as well as a significant contribution to UVA protection into the blue light range. It consists of a 100% rutile-type titanium dioxide (TiO2) core with a very tight double coating of silica and dimethicone. It is fully compliant with all global regulations, particularly the latest European update published as a SCCS Opinion of Titanium Dioxide. Furthermore, the product has been specifically developed for use with our PARSOL® 1789. It also offers high transparency in formulations and is compatible with acrylate thickeners. PARSOL® TX is approved worldwide.