Ask-the-Expert: How is dsm-firmenich driving sustainable change this Earth Day 2024?
This Earth Day 2024, discover how dsm-firmenich is driving sustainable change, reducing its environmental impact and addressing global food system challenges.
Food fortification is among the most impactful and cost-effective strategies for tackling micronutrient deficiencies on a large scale.[1] Hidden hunger (deficiencies in micronutrients due to nutrient-poor diets of empty calories) is prevalent worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, and as many as 3 billion worldwide are affected.[2]
Micronutrient deficiencies are associated with a wide range of negative health conditions including anemia, adverse birth outcomes, night blindness, increased risk of mortality in children and pregnant women, increased risk of osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children, a reduced resistance to infectious diseases and fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.1 Stunting is also a serious issue, caused by many factors including inadequate food intake and, consequently, micronutrient intake.[3]
These negative health outcomes not only create a burden on individuals and families, but also increase pressure on public services such as health, social care and education, and thereby have negative social and economic consequences for an entire populace. Studies show that as much as 5% of GDP can be lost because of micronutrient deficiencies.[4]
In the fight against micronutrient deficiencies, large-scale food fortification has been proven to advance nutritional status and well-being around the world.1,[5] By adding or replenishing vitamins and minerals to staple foods such as flour, oil, rice and more, large-scale food fortification can effectively improve micronutrient status and reduce the risk and severity of conditions such as anemia and neural tube defects.[6]
The primary staple food for approximately half the global population,[1] rice can be enriched with vital micronutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, folic acid and other B-complex vitamins[2] to improve its nutritional value.
With over 1,894 million tons of wheat and maize produced annually worldwide,[1] flour is a good vehicle for various added micronutrients4 such as iron, zinc, vitamin A, folic acid and other B-vitamins. [2],[3],[4]
Flour fortification is so effective that 91 countries globally mandate its fortification [5]
Vitamin D fortified dairy has contributed to improved vitamin D intake and status,[1],[2] while DHA-enriched milk has been shown to provide cardiovascular benefits.[3] Although plant-based milks are commonly fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D, more is to be done to ensure they have adequate nutritional value.[1]
Bouillon cubes fortified with vitamins A, B, iron and zinc are cost-effective to produce and affordable for lower-income populations. 20 They are commonly used in soups, instant noodles and as seasonings.
As sugar continues to be widely consumed around the world, some countries have mandated its fortification to combat and control micronutrient deficiencies, particularly in vitamin A.
Convenient and affordable instant noodles have become increasingly popular in recent decades, and can be enriched with vitamins A, C, D and E, folic acid, niacin, iron, zinc, calcium and more to deliver added health benefits.
Commonly consumed vegetable oils such as olive, palm and sunflower oils can be fortified with essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D and E, and even water-soluble micronutrients like vitamins C and E, iron, and calcium.[1]
dsm-firmenich aims to help end malnutrition by 2030 with the support of our partners in governments, NGOs and the private sector. The immense potential of large-scale food fortification to help us meet this goal by fulfilling global nutrition improvement needs and development priorities is undeniable. Apart from improving health and mortality rates, efficacy in increasing productivity at work and stimulating overall economic growth generates significant income opportunities and socioeconomic returns on investment (ROI) of up to 30:1,[1]
Our team is committed to ensuring a brighter future for all by developing innovative nutritional solutions and through collaborative partnerships. These partners include agencies such as the World Food Programme and UNICEF, and non-profits such as World Vision International, Partners in Food Solutions, and Sight and Life.
to 20 countries and counting — reaching more than 16 million people around the world, and with help, those in Bangladesh with access to fortified rice has grown from 30,000 in 2013 to over 7 million in 2021
Beyond the strategic importance of key partnerships, we also recognize the challenges involved in developing and launching cost-effective nutritional solutions that truly make a large-scale impact. Indeed, bioavailability, cost, efficacy and consumer acceptance can vary widely depending on the quality of fortification compounds used.[1],[2] A further challenge is ensuring that any imported fortified foods share the same standards as locally produced fortified staple foods.[3]
To support more successful interventions, we’re passionate about championing nutritional solutions that not only meet evidence-based industry guidelines[1],[2] but also deliver outstanding quality you can count on. Fully customizable and specially designed to streamline food fortification initiatives, our solutions don’t compromise on business sustainability and consumer affordability.
Survey data from 16 countries found that most large-scale food fortification programs fail to meet their potential because of low coverage and quality, indicating key challenges around scaling up these initiatives and improving compliance with fortification standards.
Carefully researched and calibrated blends of functional ingredients to support convenient and efficient food fortification with a single, homogenous product.
Let’s explore effective and efficient food fortification strategies that truly transform the global food system.
Let's explore effective and effiecient food fortification strategies that truly transform global food system.
This Earth Day 2024, discover how dsm-firmenich is driving sustainable change, reducing its environmental impact and addressing global food system challenges.
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