Policies & Principles

Conduct & conditions

How we operate

Here you’ll find our various policies. Simply click on the link to view and/or download the relevant document.

Whistleblowing Procedure

To help promote openness and integrity at work we ask all DSM employees - and suppliers - to give their own stakeholders a way to raise concerns in the event of any (suspicion of) a breach of the Code of Conduct or other regulations. 

If you want to raise a concern about a (suspicion of a) violation by DSM or its employees of any laws or regulations or the DSM Code of Business Conduct, please contact DSM's Corporate Alert Officer. Rest assured, we always review reports of misconduct very carefully and in the strictest confidence

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  • Doing business with DSM

    Doing business with DSM

    Transacting with our suppliers in a fast and efficient way is essential so we are always working to make doing business easier.

  • Sustainability programs

    Sustainability programs

    At DSM our sustainable procurement programs help us work in partnership with our suppliers in delivering on our purpose of creating brighter lives for all – not just today but for generations to come.