Cristina Monteiro
Chief Human Resources Officer
私たちは、社員が世界と同じように多様であることを望んでいます。これを達成するために、私たちのビジネスは、私たちがどのように変化をもたらし、より包括的な職場となるかの土台となる5つのコアI&D Pillarsによって支えられています。
Philip Eykerman, President Human Nutrition & Health
Dimitri De Vreeze, Co-CEO
Cristina Montero, Executive Vice President People & Organization
Helen Mets, Executive Vice-President Materials
Patricia Malarkey, Chief Innovation Officer
私たちには、I&D目標を達成するために、グローバルに活躍する社員と密接に連携するさまざまなEmployee Resource Group(ERG)があります。コミュニティは、異なる文化、背景、ライフスタイルを持つ社員に安全な空間を提供し、大切にされていることを実感させてくれます。ですから、あなたが誰であろうと、どこの出身であろうと、ここではあなたの可能性を最大限に発揮するためのサポートを見つけることができるのです。当社のERGは以下の通りです:
To have equal access to career development and opportunities for colleagues at all stages of their career. We want to ensure sustainable employability of DSM employees throughout their working life.
Through raising awareness and providing the right support, we’re fighting to combat the perception that growth opportunities should be based solely on years of experience. At DSM, we believe that everyone should have equal access to opportunities no matter your age.
Creating a supportive, bias-free environment for all genders and advancing opportunities for professional growth to maximize everyone’s contribution to DSM.
Our vision as an ERG is to push talent forward globally, no matter their gender or gender identity. We plan on doing this by learning from the successes of other companies, identifying gaps within DSM and creating a clear plan to reach our goals.
To create a DSM culture where employees, regardless of their race, ethnicity, and/or national origin, feel respected, engaged, developed, and rewarded.
At DSM, we know that fitting into the mainstream harms authentic connections. Instead, our aim is to create safe environments that encourage and support all employees to be themselves.
To welcome, embrace and proudly support our LGBTQ+ community, create more visibility and make DSM a safe and inclusive place for everyone.
We’re working hard to grow our LGBTQ+ community by educating ourselves and our allies, creating regional hubs and champions to generate momentum locally, and joining external organizations such as Workplace Pride.
The world around us is changing and the pandemic has had a significant impact on our environments and lives. As a performance-led, purpose-driven company we aim to be future-ready, agile and innovative. That’s why we have taken the responsibility to measure, track and report on I&D progress, reflecting our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and Environmental, Social and Governance performance.
Chantal de Vaan, Human Rights Manager
We believe that we can only create brighter lives for all in societies where human rights are protected and respected. We recognize we have an important role to play. We are committed to respecting and ensuring human rights in all our operations and throughout our entire value chain. We promote employee empowerment to share our commitment to respect and promote human rights and maintain continuous dialogs with employees and representative bodies to enable this.