Pharma Solutions
Visit our Pharma Solutions website for detailed information about the business and to find out how to get in touch.
The world is on the brink of a demographic milestone. The number of people aged 65 or older is projected to grow to nearly 1.5 billion by 2050. Increasing life expectancies have given rise to dramatic growth in chronic disease and global medication use. In developed countries, approximately one in four adults have at least two chronic conditions, and while ageing this is increasing to three or more diseases for half of the population. These sobering trends have vital public health implications.
Scientific research shows the beneficial impact of high-dose vitamin intake, levels above and beyond nutritional requirements on a variety of chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
By reformulating existing therapies or developing new vitamin-drug product combinations, unmet patient needs can be addressed via new product formulations, resulting in optimized safety and improved efficacy of the medication. This ultimately leads to better patient care and quality of life.
At DSM, we aim to help keep the world’s growing population healthy and help improve the quality of patients’ lives. With our portfolio and science competences we are well equipped to realize these improvements.
DSM is the first and only company in the world that provides access to all 13 vitamins approved for use in pharmaceutical applications, giving our pharmaceutical partners worldwide a competitive edge by accelerating the registration and market entry process.
With over 70 years of experience in pharmaceutical applications, DSM helps both brand and generic manufacturers realize market success by enabling agile drug development, ensuring seamless product entry and optimizing life-cycle management efforts. Our commitment to quality, innovation and sustainable supply make us an ideal partner to address emerging therapeutic areas benefitting global patient health, while helping our customers achieve long-term growth.
Visit our Pharma Solutions website for detailed information about the business and to find out how to get in touch.
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