Financial results & presentations
Instant overview of the financial results, presentations, updates & AGMs and all DSM's financial and regulatory press releases from the last decade.
On 22 June 2023 (Heerlen NL), the General Meeting of DSM B.V. adopted the proposal that a gross dividend per ordinary share was declared in the amount of €22.58.
Dividend was paid in cash only by DSM B.V. after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax.
Any dividend or other distributions paid on shares of DSM B.V. owned by its minority shareholders that are subject to the statutory buy-out procedure, will be deducted from the purchase price to be paid in the buy-out of the shares (see The Offering Circular).
Timeline payment dividend DSM B.V.
1. Publication date = 22 June 2023
2. Ex-dividend date = 26 June 2023
3. Record date = 27 June 2023
4. Payment date = 3 July 2023
This page contains the historic record of DSM N.V. For the dividend policy of DSM-Firmenich, please go to the DSM-Firmenich website
An interim dividend for the year 2022 of €0.93 per ordinary share and €0.04 for cumulative preference shares A was recognized as a liability in the second quarter of 2022. The total distribution amounted to €163m. The interim dividend was solely paid in cash after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax. The interim dividend was payable as from 26 August 2022.
The DSM Annual General Meeting of Shareholders passed a resolution on 10 May 2022 to declare a dividend for the financial year 2021 of €2.50 per ordinary share. This represents an increased dividend versus the €2.40 paid for 2020. An interim dividend of €0.80 per ordinary share having been paid in August 2021, the final dividend thus amounts to €1.70 per ordinary share.
The ex-dividend date was 12 May 2022, the record date was 13 May 2022 and the dividend was payed from 3 June 2022.
This final dividend of €1.70 was paid out in cash or in the form of ordinary shares at the option of the shareholder. Dividend in cash was paid after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax. The stock dividend was paid out from DSM’s own treasury shares (obtained through its share repurchase program) and subject to the conditions as stated in the Notes to the AGM Agenda.
The Exchange Ratio of the final dividend 2021 in shares amounted to 1 new ordinary DSM share as stock dividend for every 81.6963 existing stock-entitled ordinary shares.
Based on the average weighted price of 23 May up to and including 27 May 2022 (VWAP) of €138.8837, 1/81.6963 share (with VWAP of €138.8837) virtually equals the gross dividend in cash of €1.70 per ordinary share.
The % of shareholders that wished to receive stock dividend was 38.88%. This was below the 40% set as maximum for the stock dividend, therefore scaling down was not required. 61.12% of the Final Dividend was paid out in cash. Dividend in cash was paid after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax.
Payment of the dividend on the ordinary shares and delivery of ordinary shares, with settlement of fractions in cash, if required, took place as from 3 June 2022 based on the number of dividend rights delivered.
The 2021 interim dividend of €0.80 per ordinary share was paid on 27 August 2021. This interim dividend represented one third of the total dividend paid over the prior year.
The interim dividend was paid in cash or in the form of ordinary shares at the option of the shareholder, with a maximum of 40% of the total dividend amount available for stock dividend. Dividend in cash was paid after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax. The ex-dividend date was 5 August 2021 and the record date was 6 August 2021.
As the % of shareholders that wished to receive stock dividend (34.07%) was below the 40% set as maximum for the stock dividend, no scaling down was required.
The Exchange Ratio of the interim dividend 2021 in shares amounted to 1 new ordinary DSM share as stock dividend for every 223.7039 existing stock-entitled ordinary shares.
Based on the average weighted price of 16 August up to and including 20 August 2021 (VWAP) of €178.9631, 1/223.7039 share (with VWAP of €178.9631) virtually equals the gross interim dividend in cash of €0.80 per ordinary share.
Both the cash dividend and stock dividend were made payable to shareholders on 27 August 2021.
DSM's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders passed a resolution on 6 May 2021 to declare a dividend for the financial year 2020 of €2.40 per ordinary share, a stable dividend compared with the €2.40 paid for 2019. An interim dividend of €0.80 per ordinary share having been paid in August 2020, the final dividend amounts to €1.60 per ordinary share.
The ex-dividend date was 10 May 2021, the record date was 11 May 2021 and the dividend payable from 1 June 2021.
This final dividend of €1.60 was paid out in cash or in the form of ordinary shares at the option of the shareholder. Dividend in cash was paid after deduction of 15% Dutch dividend withholding tax. The stock dividend was paid out from DSM’s own treasury shares (obtained through its share repurchase program) and subject to the conditions as stated in the Notes to the AGM Agenda.
The Exchange Ratio of the final dividend 2020 in shares amounted to 1 new ordinary DSM share as stock dividend for every 93.1571 existing stock-entitled ordinary shares.
Based on the average weighted price of 19 May up to and including 25 May 2021 (VWAP) of €149.0514, 1/93.1571 share (with VWAP of €149.0514) virtually equalled the gross dividend in cash of €1.60 per ordinary share.
The % of shareholders that wished to receive stock dividend was 40.49%. This was above the 40% set as maximum for the stock dividend, therefore scaling down was required. The shareholders who opted for a distribution in stock received stock dividend on a pro-rata basis (0.9880), with the remainder paid out in cash (less 15% dividend withholding tax).
Payment of the dividend on the ordinary shares and delivery of ordinary shares, with settlement of fractions in cash, took place as from 1 June 2021 based on the number of dividend rights delivered.
Instant overview of the financial results, presentations, updates & AGMs and all DSM's financial and regulatory press releases from the last decade.
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