Beauty is individual and is in the eye of the beholder. It combines different facets and meanings which leads to the truth that beauty is everywhere, just waiting to be discovered.
Based on our strong belief that beauty enriches people’s lives, here at DSM Personal Care, we continually challenge ourselves to understand in depth our customers’ needs, their brands and people’s beauty aspirations worldwide. This passion inspired us to develop a new, creative expression of Revealing the Power of Beauty.
In collaboration with the creative and visionary fashion designer Carolin Cora Kohler, who created her own label “CaroCora” in Madrid, we aimed to bring to life our ingredient story through inspiring fashion creations. The challenge was to translate the uniqueness of our products from Skin, Sun and Hair Care into outfits, through the use of color and fabrics, reflecting the world of fashion.
Extensive briefings, and a deep dive into a new world, allowed us to experience our transformational ingredients from another perspective. Surprisingly the connection was easily made and the outcome revealed that the cosmetic and the fashion world have something in common: Touching people in a unique and very individual way!
Both the fashion and cosmetic industry have the power to create emotions and inspirations. This positive impact can influence people’s lives. With this in mind, DSM has brought this to life at in-cosmetics in Hamburg with an exclusive fashion défilé. New products such as REVITALIN® PF, REGU®-SCENCE and the new sensory and visual modifiers of the VALVANCE® range were part of the catwalk, realizing the true potential of beauty.
"It was a wonderful and creative opportunity for me to transform the benefits of Personal Care ingredients from DSM into a visual and tangible language, expressed by fashion.
At first glance, the two fields of science and fashion seem to be far away from each other. But during the project bringing these two component together, it was very interesting to create something unique, individual and holistic. This different approach to receal the power of beauty was courageos and visionary from DSM, and in my opinion we achieved something delightful. I really thank the team from Personal Care for the trust and the great collaboration to make this happen."
If you would like to read more about the designer, please have a look at her website.