The natural skin care ingredient BEAUACTIVE® gives skin an improved appearance after the age of 30 due to a visible reduction of conspicuous facial pores and age spots.
Skin is a living organ with complex needs that change not only as we mature, but also from day to day. Feedback from our blogger community, The Beauty Connection, recently revealed that many consumers grapple with fluctuating and even conflicting skin care needs. There is therefore clearly a demand for customizable personal care ingredients and products with the flexibility to adapt to current skin requirements and the capacity to meet divergent consumer needs.
Hence a skin care product designed to prevent signs of aging could also offer skin brightening and evenness of tone. Moving beyond the dry vs oily dichotomy products could combine hydration and oil control, with the user able to dial up or dial down one or the other function, depending on the immediate need. Ideally, such products would leverage the skin’s own synergies to reinforce efficiency and improve skin health overall.
Again and again our bloggers tell us they want to know how their products work and are not ready to accept claims without substantiation. This is doubly true of dual action products. Not only must the claims for them be substantiated, the added value of the duality must be apparent and the link between the two actions recognizable. This applies especially when a single personal care ingredient claims two distinct skin care benefits, as in the case of DSM’s skin care ingredient BEAUACTIVE®.
This one skin care active ingredient has the ability to improve skin appearance on two important criteria relevant to skin after the age of 30: conspicuous facial pore and age spot. BEAUACTIVE® comes with full scientific substantiation.
Definitely a hard-working ingredient with much to offer!
Contact us to find out about other ingredients that offer synergistic benefits or address conflicting needs and how they could help you meet emerging consumer desires.
There has been a shift in attitude – younger generations celebrate diverse perceptions of the world. DSM embraces multicultural beauty, gender fluidity and new aging in cosmetics and personal care.
People are concerned about the impact chemicals in their cosmetic products have on their health and the condition of their skin and hair. 'Green Chemistry’ focuses on designing products and processes that minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances.
We have taken a look at the growing enthusiasm for medical beauty, and the products serving this trend, to ensure we offer customers the best skin care ingredients for non-invasive solutions.