With 70% of the world’s population predicted to live in cities by 2050 and urban pollution on the rise, protecting the skin against environmental stresses is a major topic of interest that’s set to become ever more relevant in the near future.
Having identified this as a key theme with the potential to substantially impact consumer behavior, we decided to explore it in more depth with our custom-built, private online community, The Beauty Connection, to discover what protection means to them.
Active is good, pro-active is better
It rapidly became clear that although consumers everywhere are aware of the need to protect their skin from external threats, the perception of these threats varies. While Asian consumers are very focused on pollution, in the West consumers have a broader set of concerns.
All agree that prevention is better than cure, with damage limitation best achieved by shielding the skin and improving its inherent resilience. This latter was especially important to Asian responders, although few products as yet target this specific need. Western consumers continue to look for products that are advanced and multifunctional, in line with their broader concerns and desire for a more time-efficient beauty regime.
When signs of skin damage are already visible, recovery is of course the priority for all consumers. And our beauty experts reminded us once again that skin sensation is just as important as skin appearance.
Faced with an environment experienced as increasingly unnatural, many of our bloggers and beauty experts emphasized their desire for natural cosmetic ingredients in their products. However, they look to science to provide substantiation for the targeted effectiveness of such natural skin care ingredients.
The DSM Five Actives – Five Actions concept ticks all the boxes
DSM’s Five Actives – Five Actions concept ticks all the boxes. The concept comprises five skin bioactives selected from the company’s portfolio of skin care ingredients with a proven mode of action. These have now been re-examined for their ability to improve skin comfort, protection, color, quality and perfection in the context of growing concerns about pollution.