Quali®-B (Vitamin B1)

Vitamin B1 plays an essential role in the production of energy from food.

Vitamin B1 Overview

Vitamin B1, also called thiamin(e), is one of the eight water-soluble B vitamins. Vitamin B1 plays an essential role in the production of energy from food, the synthesis of nucleic acids (e.g., DNA) and the conduction of nerve impulses. Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is mostly formulated in combination with other B-vitamins (B-complex) for use in white flour, cereals, pasta, rice, beverages and dietary supplements. 

Why Buy Quali®-B?

dsm-firmenich offers reliable, proven and high-quality forms of vitamin B1 that are suitable for a variety of applications. Our over 70 years of experience and Quality for Life™ promise make us an ideal partner for your next product.

Approved Claims in the EU

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which provides scientific advice to assist policy makers, has confirmed that clear health benefits have been established for the dietary intake of vitamin B1 in contributing to:

  • Thiamine contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism. 
  • Thiamine contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system. 
  • Thiamine contributes to normal psychological function. 
  • Thiamine contributes to the normal function of the heart.

These 4 health claims are authorized in the EU with specific conditions of use.

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