Next-Gen Solutions:

Unveiling the future of Dairy Alternatives

September 12, 2023
at 16:00PM CET

hosted by FoodNavigator

Next-Gen Solutions: Unveiling the future of Dairy Alternatives September 12, 2023 |FREE ONLINE EVENT


Join us for this free insightful webinar in partnership with FoodNavigator Europe covering all the latest trends plus a deep dive into how Vertis™ CanolaPRO® plant protein gives a boost to various alternative dairy applications. Register now

Plant-based dairy is forecast to continue growing, with milk alternatives alone set to grow at 7.6% CAGR between 2022 and 2027. But beyond these numbers, what are the key trends driving consumer consumption in the segment? Furthermore, which plant-based ingredient solutions can best help manufacturers stay ahead of these trends? 

Consumer trends continue to point clearly to taste, texture – and increasing, health. In fact, consumers named health benefits as their favorite thing about plant-based products - which in turn is triggering some questions about conventional plant proteins. Consumer concerns are rising around allergens, hormones, GMOs and environmental impact. This is where new proteins – like our Vertis™ CanolaPRO® canola protein isolate come in.

Our team will also outline one solution in particular from our portfolio of ingredients for plant-based dairy alternatives: Vertis™ CanolaPRO®. This plant-based canola protein isolate contains all the amino acids and blends beautifully into plant-based drinks, yogurts and RTM/RTD beverages, ice cream and cream cheese. Learn more during our webinar.


For some insights and answers, we invite you to join us for the free DSM webinar ‘Next-Gen Solutions: Unveiling the Future of Dairy Alternatives’ with Melanie Luangrath, Director of New Business Development PoFu and Barbara Jacobs, Technical Solutions Manager PoFu. It will be broadcasted on September 12, 2023 at 16:00 PM CET in cooperation with FoodNavigator Europe. Register now for free

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