Keep the flavor, hold the alcohol
10 Jan 2024
Engaging with customers, talking about beer and tasting it too – what’s not to love? DSM’s exhibition at the recent BrauBeviale in Nuremberg, Germany, was an overwhelming success.
Our global colleagues from the team of DSM Beverages’ managed activities at the DSM booth, where the focus was squarely on sharing the many ways, we can help brewers fulfill their sustainable brewing ambitions.
With sustainability top of mind in the brewing industry, DSM’s efforts to not only promote sustainable brewing but also to come through with solutions that can offset changes in climate and crop availability really resonated with BRAU attendees. We showcased two online tools during the show that account managers can use to show how much their customers could save when applying solutions, such as Brewers Clarex® and Brewers Compass®, and then see how that translates into their CO2 footprint reduction. These tools were developed by the business teams in collaboration with DSM’s Brew Masters.
Another highlight at the booth was a selection of “Brew Masters’ Favorites” – beer recipes developed by DSM’s Brew Masters that leverage our enzymes and showcase their ability to address specific trends, such as fruit beers, zero alcohol brews and gluten-free beers. These were a huge success and the booth was full of people eager to try these selections, and each taste made them want to know more about our solutions.
Six of DSM’s eight Brew Masters were on hand to answer questions and talk about enzymes in specific applications – from Rapidase® Press helping to reduce pectin haze in fruit beer, to Brewers Clarex® making it possible to produce gluten-free beer from malted barley.
Our experts are always ready to help you
27 November 2019
10 Jan 2024